Saturday, May 17, 2014

Benito's Interactive Book sample pages

In order to play with Benito's Interactive Book.
First, you will need to download The Unity Web Player here:

Then you can view the The Bellbird Book on this link:

Adding audio

I am enjoying adding some sounds for the final touches to the four sample pages of my interactive book.

I added sounds like a jungle enviroment, background music and sound effects. In this image below I combined the jungle sounds and Benito's sound effect for my cover page. I used Logic Pro and Audacity.

Below is an example of Benito's and the Owl's model and rigs:

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Working with sprite sheets on Unity

I enjoy working with sprite sheets on Unity. You can add several elements to the scene like flowers, leaves.. and reuse them in other pages. Also when you create particles on unity the sprite sheets are very helpful. See some screen shots of my work in progress:

 These are some of the spritesheets I used to create the fire on the volcano, the lava and the smoke:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Three-wattled Bellbird.(Procnias tricarunculatus).

I want to share more information about The Three-Wattled Bellbird.(Procnias tricarunculatus) from the Enciclopedia of Life:

The Bellbird Conservation Project

The Costa Rican Conservation Foundation have a project to protect the habitad of the bellbird. The Bellbird Conservation Project is a project of reforestation for the bellbird habitat.

Working with Scripts on Unity

These are screenshots of my Scene in Unity, which has 4 spreads plus the cover and the credit page.
It has been a challenge for me to add code to some of the Unity objects since I am not a programmer, but with the help of my husband Jeff, and many hours of searching online on Unity forums and tutorials, I am able to move along with the process of creating some interaction on the book.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

My firetruck bell

I am excited my firetruck bell is coming along... I have to create the skeleton and animation with sound...

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pages in progress

The first and second pages are completed with their interaction, code and animation.
This is the progress for my third page. I am modeling the bells. It is so much fun!!