Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pages in progress

The first and second pages are completed with their interaction, code and animation.
This is the progress for my third page. I am modeling the bells. It is so much fun!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Color inspiration from nature

I created several elements for my backgrounds inspired on nature colors like this insect below:

Some of the pages are completed. Currently, I am working modeling the different styles of bells for my third page, it is fun!!!. Here it is my church bell and my boat bell with controllers:

Monday, April 21, 2014

Technical errors and solutions

I encountered several technical problems during my time importing the project assets from Maya into Unity. I spent hours trying to find the solutions online - which is why I want to record the solutions in this blog, in case they are helpful to anyone else.

Problem #1:  One of my biggest problems was the blendshapes that I created in Maya for the character's eyes to blink and around the mouth. My blendshapes didn't play when I ran the project in Unity.

Save two FBX files.  One with the meshes and the skin called "main", and other with only the blendshapes called "anims". In Unity, I created an animator for each animated character on the scene.  For my animator, I used the animation from my blendshapes instead of my animation of the main animation. It works great!

Problem#2: Some of the skin of my character looked patchy with dark marks.

Solution: In Maya, you have to select the skin and delete the non-deformer history. The skins in Unity now work great!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

My second page

This is Benito's second page for the thesis project. He is on his nest a bit sad because he can figure out how to make a Bellbird sound.
In this bakground, I will add 3D bells , Benito's 3D model and the Owl 3D model.